Mart numbers continue to trend downwards this week and Kilkenny Mart had a smaller sale compared with last week on Thursday.

There was 600 cattle put through the rings on Thursday, down 80 head on the previous week.

There were a number of customers in attendance buying Aberdeen Angus bullocks and heifers for export, which added some life to the trade for traditional breeds.

Heavy bullocks over 600kg averaged at €1,870/head or €2.82/kg, with three Charolais bullocks weighing 695kg selling for €2,170 (€3.12/kg).

Lighter bullocks also met a good trade, with bullocks in the 500kg to 600kg weight category coming in at €1,510/head or €2.70/kg.

Top call

Top call in this weight section went to a Simmental bullock weighing 595kg and selling for €1,800 (€3.03/kg).

Top price per kilo in the sale went to a young Limousin bull weighing 485kg selling for €1,760 (€3.63/kg).

There was almost 130 dry cows sold in the cow ring, with suckler cows hitting a top of €2.80/kg, while Friesian cows ranged in price from €1.15/kg for parlour cows to €2.35/kg for slaughter-fit fleshed cows.

Forward store heifers hit a top of €3.10/kg, while two Aberdeen Angus heifers weighing 500kg sold for €1,440 (€2.88/kg).

'Excellent trade'

Speaking to the Irish Farmers Journal, Kilkenny Mart auctioneer George Candler said: “We had an excellent trade for forward stores and beef-type bullocks and heifers again on Thursday.

"We had a good number of factory agents endeavouring to buy forward store animals which were not over-plentiful in the sale. Plainer cattle were a little easier, but top-quality lots met very good demand.”

Top lots

This March 2021 Montbelliard-cross bullock weighed 875kg and sold for €2,320 (€2.65/kg).

These three October 2022-born Charolais bullocks weighed 695kg and sold for €2,170 each (€3.12/kg).

This March 2022-born Aubrac-cross bullock weighed 715kg and sold for €2,100 (€2.94/kg).

This June 2021-born Charolais heifer weighed 705kg and sold for €2,090 (€2.96/kg).

This October 2021-born Charolais heifer weighed 660kg and sold for €2,090 (€3.17/kg).

This February 2022-born Charolais heifer weighed 645kg and sold for €2,080 (€3.22/kg).