Cold weather and regular rain showers will increase the risk of pneumonia in young calves and grass tetany in cows.

As such, suckler farmers should be much more vigilant about checking animals with a morning and evening walk through stock recommended.

Make sure cows are properly supplemented with magnesium, especially if lactating animals are entering paddocks with shorter, lush grass during wet spells.

Grass growth is also struggling and when cows are grazing tight covers, the risk of tetany also increases.

If using magnesium licks, setting out a couple of extra buckets will encourage animals to make use of them during periods of high risk.

If magnesium is supplemented in water, cows will drink less when grass is wet. Offering a second form of supplementation is therefore recommended.


Changeable weather and temperatures can raise the risk of pneumonia in calves, so regular checks for young stock under respiratory pressure is advised.

Avoid routine handling tasks, such as worming, for a day or two until weather and temperatures improve.

Unnecessary and improper handling of calves will stress animals and potentially trigger a pneumonia outbreak.

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Watch: inside a 6,500-head dairy-beef calf-rearing farm in Somerset

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