Approvals for TAMS III tranche 2 have eased significantly, with 899 applications approved between 18 May and 18 June. Approvals of applications had been issuing at the rate of 500 applications/week back in April and early May.

The Department had previously informed the Irish Farmers Journal that it had been working on clearing some of the ‘’smaller’’ items being applied for which did not require planning permission etc, such as dribble bars under LESS and bale slicers under FSCIS.

With a large volume of these applications now processed, the more paper intensive applications appear to be currently being worked on, causing the slowing down of approvals.

The current approval rate for tranche 2 of the scheme sits at 66%, with 6,009 of the 9,110 applications approved so far. The Organic Capital Investment Scheme (OCIS) retains its position of having the highest percentage of applications receive approval at 77.9%.

Approvals for the Solar Capital Investment Scheme (SCIS) remain stubbornly low, with just 233 of the 738 applications made in tranche 2 now approved, or 31.6% of the applications, up from 145 applications a month prior.

Tranche 3,4 and 5

The Departement received 3,802 applications under tranche 3 of TAMS III, which was closed on 12 April last. The Minister of Agriculture Charlie McConalogue confirmed at the time that all eligible applications submitted under tranche 3 would be approved.

Tranche 4 of the scheme effectively opened on 15 April and will remain open until Friday 6 September 2024.

Tranche 5 will then subsequently open on Monday 9 September and will close for applications on 6 December 2024.