Farming’s vital role in the rural economy is displayed through the livestock element of Tullamore Show, Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue has said.

Officially opening the show, of which the National Livestock Show is a part, Minister McConalogue said the event’s livestock competitions “showcases the very best of everything with agriculture and rural life”.

“It also should serve as a reminder to everyone of the absolute importance and the anchor role agriculture plays in the rural economy,” he said.

Minister McConalogue added that Ireland’s food-producing capabilities make agriculture the country’s biggest employer and export sector.

“We are very fortunate in this country to be able to produce food, to be able to grow crops, to be able to grow grass to have wonderful livestock which we rear off.

“We export 90% of our beef and 85% of our sheep [meat] and indeed our other wonderful livestock products as well, our wonderful poultry and pigs.

“That is the backbone of our rural economy. Today, despite the very developed economy we have, agriculture is still our largest indigenous employer and source of exports,” he added.


In his speech, the Minister also said the Government supports the agricultural sector’s importance through policy initiatives, schemes and market development.

“That’s why we as a Government, I as Minister and our colleagues right across Government, recognises this in terms of the work and support we seek to give to the agricultural sector through the policy platform that’s in place.

“Through the schemes that are in place and also in the work we do as well in making sure new markets are opened and indeed that markets are maintained."

Also speaking at the opening, Tullamore Show chair Joe Molloy said this year the trade stand numbers are up and “entries for competitions have passed all expectations”.