A new scheme under TAMS III has opened to farmers offering grant aid of 70% for slurry storage investments.

The Nutrient Importation Storage Scheme (NISS) has an investment ceiling of €90,000 for individuals and €160,000 for registered farm partnerships.

The Department of Agriculture has said that the age of applicant will be a factor and priority will be given to younger farmers when assessing applications.

The remaining criteria which the Department will take into account when assessing applications are the size of the holding, whether any part of the holding is in an Area of Natural Constraint and the nitrates production prior to export.

The Department has said that eligible farmers must have a contract in place to import nutrients, which should outline the volume of organic fertilisers to be imported.

Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue said the scheme will have its own dedicated investment ceiling of €90,000 per holding solely for nutrient importation storage.