A total of 6,638 Leaving Certificate students sat the ag science exam this year, with results today showing a small increase in the number of H1s being achieved among them with 13.6% receiving a H1 in 2024, compared to 12.4% in 2023.

However, the ag science exam results are still down compared to the other science subjects, for biology 19.0% of students received a H1, for chemistry it was 22.0%, and for physics 20.7%.

This has been a factor students are considering when selecting the subject at the Leaving Cert level, resulting in fewer students studying ag science in recent years.

Speaking about the results, IASTA were “still a little disappointed to see the H1s in ag science not on par with other science subjects. But today is not the day for politics, it’s about the students themselves. We in IASTA would love to see some of these students go into the agriculture sector, drive forward and into the future.”

Grade inflation

Exam results for this year’s Leaving Certificate were artificially increased by an average of 7.5% this year. As a result, 68% of students' grades were increased to match recent years due to grade inflation during COVID-19.

This was done to ensure students are not disadvantaged in the competition for college places against applicants from recent years.

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