Smaller factories are feeling the pinch when it comes to sourcing cattle this week, with the big three dominating in terms of their farmer clubs and communities.

This has meant some of the smaller factories have been forced to increase quotes by 5c/kg to a €5.15/kg base price for bullocks and €5.20/kg for heifers.

Some of the bigger outfits are digging in, with one western plant trying to buy bullocks at €5.00/kg this week. The general run of quotes is €5.05/kg for bullocks and €5.15/kg for heifers.

With just eight weeks to go until the busiest time of the year in retail, factories are gearing up for a very busy second half of October and November.

UK market

The UK market is flying, with the most recent supermarket sales data pointing to a strengthening of volumes of beef in shoppers' baskets over the last few months and this is expected to kick on even more in the run-up to Christmas.

The UK trade continues to be on a very firm footing, rising another 2p to 5p this week. This is bringing an R4L bullock into close to €6.50/kg when VAT is included.

Finished cattle numbers remain very tight, with English markets looking to Irish beef supplies to shore up supplies.

The Northern Ireland trade is also very strong, with over £5/kg (€6.34/kg incl VAT) being paid this week for in-spec bullocks and heifers.

Factory agents remain very active in marts hoovering up supplies of finished cattle which are thin on the ground.


O+ suckler cows are generally working off €4.50/kg to €4.65/kg, while O grading dairy cows are being bought at €4.30/kg to €4.40/kg, depending where you are.

R grading cows are being quoted at €4.70/kg to €4.80/kg and higher money is available where numbers are involved.

P+3 cows are working off €4.30/kg to €4.40/kg, depending on weight, age and flesh cover.

Well-fleshed U grading cows continue to command a top price of €5/kg and over for young fleshed heavy cows.


Under-24-month bulls are still working off a €5.35/kg to €5.40/kg base price for U grading bulls.

R grading bulls are coming in at €5.20/kg to €5.30/kg, while O grading bulls are being bought at €5.00/kg to €5.15/kg. P grading bulls are working off €5.00/kg, depending on weight and flesh cover.

Under-16-month bulls are generally working off a €5.00/kg to €5.10/kg base.

Breed bonuses have also lifted in the last two weeks. The Certified Irish Angus Group bonus moved up to 30c/kg last week for cattle booked in through the group and the Irish Hereford Prime bonus moved up to 25c/kg for cattle killed from Monday onwards.