As we work towards adopting a more sustainable and fairer food economy, supporting “small and local” seems to be a straightforward way to help, and an easy way to make a difference – right? In a perfect world, yes. But the fact is that every day, small Irish businesses struggle to compete with their larger, more global counterparts.
As we work towards adopting a more sustainable and fairer food economy, supporting “small and local” seems to be a straightforward way to help, and an easy way to make a difference – right?
In a perfect world, yes. But the fact is that every day, small Irish businesses struggle to compete with their larger, more global counterparts.
Many struggle to maintain a consistent supply when demand increases, and to find routes to market. They lack the infrastructure larger businesses have, which can lead to accessibility problems.
Smaller businesses tend to feel a greater responsibility to give back to their communities. This is a good thing, but also usually leads to higher operation costs and lower profit margins.
There is demand for local product, but Irish consumers want them to be consistent, accessible and convenient. They might require support or education around using locally-produced ingredients – or the ingredients might need to be processed in a way which adds to this ease (ie peeled, chopped and ready to cook). Either scenario requires further investment on the side of the business.
Ultimately, producers are expected to provide premium products at reasonable prices, create local employment and pay fair wages. They also need to market, sell and distribute their product. On top of all of this, they are expected to continually innovate to meet growing consumer expectations.
Short supply chain funding
It is a David vs Goliath-type situation as global competitors outprice small Irish producers with similar, more easily accessed foods. For those working on a smaller scale, or farming organically, a variety of roadblocks stand in the way between the product and a potential customer.
In September 2024, Minister of State Pippa Hackett announced a new grant to help shorten supply chains and develop sustainable markets within Irish communities.
At the time of its launch, Minister Hackett said: “Shortening the distance from farm to fork has potential to foster greater connection between consumers and producers and a greater appreciation of where our food comes from and the work that goes into producing it.”
With a maximum amount of €150,000 per project to be awarded, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM)looked for proposals which would help develop premium local markets, encourage collaboration among stakeholders, support small food producers, encourage farmers markets and develop community gardens.
But really, this grant scheme was introduced to help solve some of the more systemic issues small Irish producers face.
“Short supply chains are an opportunity to reconnect producers and consumers, and to rebalance power in the supply chain,” a DAFM representative tells Irish Country Living.
“[They] play a pivotal role in Ireland’s economy, particularly in sectors such as agriculture, food production, and manufacturing. These chains not only bolster local economies but contribute to environmental sustainability by reducing transportation emissions and fostering community resilience.”
In early January, it was revealed that over 90 applications had been submitted from a range of small-scale farmers, producers and community-led food groups. Of these, 16 applications were successful in obtaining this new source of funding.
The Department says a diverse range of applicants received approval. They also confirmed that there are no plans to run the grant scheme again in 2025. The funding will cover the period of 2025-26.
“All applications were evaluated using the marking scheme [provided], and those that achieved the highest marks were chosen,” the Department representative says.
Organic meat processing
Siobhán Hubbard, who operates Newbard Farm with her husband Ross Newcombe, in Lismore, Co Waterford, was one of the successful applicants.
With 10-years of experience working in community development, she is a dab hand at filling out applications – something, she says, which may have worked in her favour.
That said, her proposed short supply chain project could mean the world to the organic farmers operating within her region.
“It is so difficult to have organic meat processed,” she says.
“I would have been lost if I hadn’t found Stephen Finn [Finn Meats] in Mitchelstown. He’s been butchering my pigs for the last while and his parents, John and Nora, have been a great support. Organic processing is a hassle for abattoirs because it has to be done separately from the conventional meat. Most won’t bother.”
Before making her current arrangement with Stephen, Siobhán was travelling to Wexford and back to have her pigs processed.

Siobhán has struggled with routes to market and processing for years. \ Janine Kennedy
“To me, having to take them that far is an animal welfare issue,” she says. “In this region [including Tipperary, Waterford, Kilkenny and Cork], there are poultry farmers, lamb and beef farmers – all are organic, and all have similar problems with having their meat processed.”
Siobhán gathered some of these farmers and also brought local abattoirs and other stakeholders to the table. She proposed the establishment of a multi-species processing unit which will specialise in organic meat.
In her short supply chain grant application, she asked for enough to cover feasibility study costs, consultation fees and stakeholder gatherings. She was granted €24,000.
This work is due to be completed in the springtime of 2026, allowing them a year to get organised.
The ultimate goal of the project is to develop a purpose-built facility, utilise the skillset and support local meat processors, and develop a community-led market for finished products. Siobhán believes if she can get the project past its planning phase (which she is using the grant funding to finance), she can then apply for the Organic Capital Investment grant to help build the facility.
“This isn’t just about growing my business,” she says. “I want this to be a farmer-led processing facility and help maintain the traditional skillsets around local food which are being lost. I currently have 22 farmers on board for this project.”
Aside from pigs, Siobhán and Ross also keep chickens and 40 sheep for lamb. Estimates indicate that there are fewer than 10 organic pig farmers in the country. An increase in feed costs saw a number of farmers leaving organic pig farming in the past few years. This is just one of many challenges organic pig farmers face.
“I can’t sell mince or sausages to certain places because of a rule called Meat Approval 853,” she says.
“If it’s a retail location, that’s no problem – you will find my meat in places like Dún Bakery in Dungarvan. But Seagull Bakery [in Tramore] were using my mince in their sausage rolls and they had to stop [using us] because they were being made in a separate unit from the bakery. That was heartbreaking because they were buying 90kg of meat from me a month; it was a great relationship.”
Since starting their farm in 2021, the couple have also overcome challenges around sourcing affordable and nutrient-dense organic feed for their pigs. Siobhan says Teagasc have been a great help as they participate in their One Well Pig project.
“We are high-welfare and feed a lot during the winter to keep our pigs happy and comfortable,” she adds. “We have 3ac here and 42ac in Mount Melleray, which is leased from a good friend. There’s a lot of woodland there, which the pigs love. We have a rotation system where every six weeks we move them on to a fresh patch of feed and meadow grass.”
They currently keep five Berkshire breeding sows and one boar. Siobhan hopes this short supply chain project will enable her and other local farmers to grow while supporting a vibrant local food community.
“We are so lucky with the support we have gotten since starting our farm,” she says. “Without our community, we would just be lost. That, to me, is why this project needs to happen – we have to bring back the spirit of a local food community. Otherwise, it’s gone.”

As a high-welfare organic farm, feed is expensive at Newbard. \ Janine Kennedy
Other projects benefitting from the grant Not-for-profit social enterprise FoodCloud is developing a “Hub and Host” project, which will reach remote communities and work towards their objective of redistributing as much food as possible (granted €75,000).
Free-range poultry producers Feighcullen Farms Ltd will automate their on-farm EU-licensed abattoir, both for their own use and for other organic and conventional poultry producers (granted €120,000).
Meitheal Orgánach is a farmer-led group intent on making organic hill sheep farming work in a way that makes financial and sustainable sense (granted €40,000).
The Irish Organic Milk Suppliers Co-op aims to develop a high-performing organic dairy sector, supporting Ireland’s goal to increase organic sales from €200 to €750 million (granted €60,000).
Relevance and alignment with the objectives of the open call within the Irish context (20 marks).Potential impact on enhancing the efficiency, sustainability, and resilience of short supply chains in Ireland (20 marks).Scientific and technological excellence of the proposed solution, considering the unique challenges and opportunities in the Irish supply chain landscape (20 marks).Quality and feasibility of the project plan, including budget and timeline and based on previous history of delivery (20 marks).Potential for practical implementation and scalability within Ireland (20 marks).Proposals focused on organic produce (10 marks).What is a short supply chain?Short supply chains come in many formations, but are defined as food systems where there are either smaller distances travelled (from the farm to your plate) or fewer intermediaries involved (where the consumer is buying directly from the producer). Farmers markets, farm shops and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) schemes are all examples of short supply chain systems. Read more
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