I see that Phil Hogan’s former chef de cabinet (that’s the head of his cabinet for his time in the agriculture portfolio in Brussels and not an actual chef) has been appointed as the head of the European Commission representation in Ireland.Peter Power will act as the official representative of the commission in Ireland under the political authority of president Ursula von der Leyen. It’s a big deal – he’s essentially the commission’s eyes, ears and voice in Dublin.
I see that Phil Hogan’s former chef de cabinet (that’s the head of his cabinet for his time in the agriculture portfolio in Brussels and not an actual chef) has been appointed as the head of the European Commission representation in Ireland.
Peter Power will act as the official representative of the commission in Ireland under the political authority of president Ursula von der Leyen. It’s a big deal – he’s essentially the commission’s eyes, ears and voice in Dublin.
Power served as Hogan’s right-hand man in Brussels during his tenure as agriculture commissioner and his brief stint as trade commissioner.
He also served Commissioner Mairead McGuinness in her portfolio for financial services.