Farmers interested in taking part must register with an approved knowledge transfer facilitator before the end of business on Thursday. The list of approved facilitators is on the Department website. Unlike in previous schemes, the facilitators of the groups are being paid separately by the Department.

To take part in a group, farmers must be over 18, have their own herd number and a valid BPS application along with a milk supply number. Farmers must attend at least five meetings per year and take part in a farm improvement plan with the group facilitator and an approved vet.

The topics to be covered at the meetings and in the farm improvement plan include animal health, financial management, grassland management, health and safety, farm progression, CellCheck workshop, carbon navigator and a breeding plan. Most of these topics are covered in existing discussion groups anyway.

Unlike in previous schemes, the facilitator of the group is the beneficiary and he or she must reimburse the participating farmers who have successfully completed each year of the scheme. Farmers can be in two groups, for example beef and dairy, but the rate of payment for the second group will be capped at €375.

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Deadline to join knowledge transfer groups looming

Full coverage: Knowledge Transfer scheme