Lamb numbers are continuing to increase throughout the country, with weather having an impact on the numbers for sale. Butchers continue to be fairly active for heavy lambs, with prices ranging mainly from €105 to €116 and averaging around €110/head for those over 50kg. There have been reports of prices being back by €3 to €4 on last week in some areas.
Strong numbers and unsettled weather is resulting in further easing in the prices paid by factory buyers. Prices are ranging from €97 to €103 for lambs from 45kg to 50kg.
Lighter lambs from 40kg to 45kg have slipped by another €2/head and are selling mainly from €85 to €96/head, with the majority of marts averaging from €87 to €92/head.
Lighter store lambs from 35kg to 40kg sold mainly from €73 to €79, with some lots making up to €83/head in some areas, back by up to €4/head. Those from 30kg to 35kg sold mainly from €62 to €70/head, with €76 paid in some areas.
Breeding sales have seen a slight increase in prices paid for hoggets and breeding ewes. Hogget ewes are selling mainly from €120 to €150, with prices of €180 to €220 paid for choice lots at special sales.
Demand for ewe lambs is strong. Prices are ranging mainly from €100 to €125 and up to €140 for top-quality types. The cull ewe trade has eased slightly, but in the main continues to be quite strong. Prices of cast ewes are ranging mainly from €85 to €115 for fleshed types, while feeding ewes are making from €55 for plain broken mouth types to €90 for good-quality heavy ewes.