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Title: Operation Kathryn
Dresses have been fitted and suits measured. As the leaders of Operation Transformation prepare for the catwalk, Kathryn Thomas chats to Ciara Leahy about the most unpredictable season yet.
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When Kathryn Thomas walks into Irish Country Living’s photoshoot, the first thing we notice is her shoes. No, not stunning heels– instead she wears a pair of Penney’s finest bootie slippers as she waits for the cameras to start clicking. “These,” she points out proudly, “are my favourite shoes of all.”
In fact, they epitomise her. Yes, Kathryn Thomas is gorgeous and glam, but she is also warm and welcoming – just like the perfect pair of booties. It’s this approachable personality that has seen her successfully present Operation Transformation for six years, but she says this has been the most unpredictable and emotional season yet.
Losing a Leader
“For the first time ever, we lost a leader when Dan Kennedy became ill with colitis. Honestly, none of us saw it coming. When we have our assessment day in November to choose our leaders, it’s like the white smoke in the Vatican when we finally narrow it down to the final five. Dan stuck out in my mind from the start though. He is such a character and I knew everybody would love him – it’s because he is so honest. It was such a shame to lose him and he was so disappointed for everybody following him, but his health had to take priority.
I don’t know if his TV days are over yet though. Himself and his mam, Kay, should have their own show – they are like a comedy act.”
Breaking through the years
Another leader who stood out from the crowd was Claire. Tears were flowing right from the start as she spoke about losing her son Darra from sudden adult death syndrome in 2011.
“What really struck me was not the circle of truth when she shared her heartbreaking story. Instead, we were having a cup of tea afterwards and she said: ‘Kathryn, I don’t want to be defined by this. I don’t want to be the woman balling in the circle of truth. I’m actually fun, a bit of craic. I want people to see that.’
“For me, that was it. I knew she was ready and would be a fantastic leader. Because, yes, it is a weight loss programme but I, personally, don’t think that is the cement of the show. It is getting people to a place where they believe in themselves and the weight loss follows as a result.”
Rollercoaster of emotions
One leader who has struggled though is John Comny from Mayo. Two weeks ago, he talked of throwing in the towel and tensions rose even more last week when he gained a pound and a half.
“John has had great weeks and bad weeks. This has happened with other leaders in the past but not to this extent, which signals that something just isn’t working for him. And this rollercoaster effect is worrying because you question if he can keep it up long term, especially when the cameras go. But look, last weekend I was down with him, as was Eddie. Karl moved in for two days – all trying to help him because maybe John has to break through his barrier later in the show than others.”
Those outfits
While John was trying to break barriers, Operation Transformation was breaking the headlines. Criticisms rose to all time high this year on the Claire Byrne Live show when the topic turned to those unappealing black outfits. As Kathryn stands beside them in her gorgeous gúnas, how does she feel about them?
“This isn’t a show like the Biggest Loser that runs for a year. It’s two months and if you had people in baggy t-shirts, you wouldn’t see their progression. When you compare their images on the monitor from week one to week eight, their hard work is right there in front of you. It’s not just encouraging the leaders, it’s motivating their followers.”
Working hard
Kathryn says she even suggested to producers that she’ll join them in the black outfits. While it might not be as daunting for Kathryn, given her enviable figure, she insists she works hard for it.
“A few years ago, I used be really ‘good’ before a new show or a wedding. But in recent years, I’ve changed my attitude and thinking.
“Now I try to get it right most of the time instead of putting myself under pressure for a few intensive weeks. Do I have my cheat days? Yes. If I go out to dinner, do I have starter, mains, dessert and wine? Yes. But do I have to make the effort? Yes, because I love my food and I am prone to putting on a few pounds if I don’t watch it. Thankfully, I enjoy exercise just as much as I enjoy my meals.”
That’s good going, especially as Kathryn’s partner Padraig McLoughlin is a chef and restaurateur. Last year, he opened Catch 22 on South Anne Street in Dublin and recently added Union 8 in Kilmanham to his portfolio.
“Even though he is a chef, I do most of the cooking. I’m the one who makes the soups and smoothies, freezes meals and prepares protein balls. When it comes to having friends over though, he steps up to the mark.”
In fact, they are very much the entrepreneurial couple. Kathryn’s newest venture, Pure Results, is a weeklong boot camp, attracting women from across the country.
“Yes, it’s a boot camp but it’s a lot more than just weight loss. When I was single before I met Padraig, I went on a few holidays on my own because a lot of my friends were married with kids. It was great to get out of my comfort zone and meet new people. I was at a fitness camp in Spain and thought Irish women really need this, a break away from life.
“I’ve learned that women are very hard on themselves and many feel guilty getting away for a while, leaving jobs, husbands and kids. But actually, dedicating time to yourself is so important. That break can make you a better mom, wife, employee etc when you return.”
Kathryn started developing a model with an aftercare program, and a really strong team, including trainers who are encouraging and supportive, rather than shouting out demands, and Pure Results has gotten as strong as its participants.
“People arrive nervous, thinking am I going to be the slowest, the fattest, the oldest? But the group really go on a journey together. It’s about learning that your body is capable of doing so much more than you think. You are not in competition with anybody and its great fun. People arrive nervous but they leave invigorated and determined to embrace new changes.”
Sounds like how the leaders of Operation team will be after the catwalk next week.
Watch the final episodes of Operation Transformation on Wednesday 24 February, with a two-part finale on Thursday 25 February at 8.30pm on RTÉ One.