Farmers remain positive in the marts, despite some recent price falls. The dip in prices came on the back of factory quote reductions, but the market has stabilised since. According to mart managers there is no shortage of factory agents buying and they are eager for lambs. The strong competition is keeping a floor under the trade, preventing further falls.
Factory-fit lambs weighing 42kg to 43kg are making €105 to €110/head or €63 to €67 over the weight. Lambs weighing 45kg to 47kg are selling for €112 to €118/head. Heavy lambs weighing from 48kg to 50kg are selling for €117 to €123/head.
One mart manager said that if prices could just hold steady now, the greater competition for lambs in July would make a big difference. He said that is when more buyers for store lambs and ewe lambs enter the mix.
Store lamb numbers are on the rise in sales. However, buyers are not out in force yet, but prices are firm. Lambs weighing 37kg to 39kg are selling for €85 to €96/head. Fleshed lambs weighing 39kg are making up to €100/head in some sales. Lighter lambs weighing 33kg to 36kg are moving at €75 to €85/head.
Cull ewes
There was no change in cull ewe prices and the trade remains strong.
Top prices of €130/head were paid for large-framed heavy fleshed ewes.
Medium-sized fleshed ewes were moving at €110 to €120/head and smaller-framed ewes were selling for €80 to €110/head. Ewes in need of further feeding are selling from €50 to €70/head.