Farmers and agents were active for all types and another high clearance rate was achieved.

In the bullock ring some entries of aged bullocks over 700kg were quite a good trade and sold for up to €800 over the weight, but those on offer were top-quality U grades.

Bullocks over 600kg were steady and sold mainly from €550 to €650 along with the weight. Types from 500kg to 600kg sold mainly from €600 to €650 along with the weight.

Demand for store bullocks from 400kg to 500kg was firm also, with plenty of farmer buyers active around the ring.

Top-quality types in that weight range sold from €550 to €650 along with the weight, while average quality types made from €500 to €600 over. Plainer cattle were not in strong supply and were firm also.

Heifer trade

The heifer ring was steady on Saturday, with smaller numbers being met with strong demand. Like previous weeks, there were plenty of store heifers on offer, but those over 600kg were in short supply.

Average-quality forward store heifers from 500kg to 600kg sold mainly €500 to €600 along with the weight.

Plainer heifers in the same weight range sold mainly from €450 to €500 over the weight. Store heifers from 400kg to 500kg saw a good trade again this week and were abundant in supply. The average heifer sold from €450 to €550 over, with better-quality lots making up to €600 over.

This Charolais cross heifer born September 2015 and weighing 455kg sold for €1,100 (€2.42/kg).

Firm trade at Headford

Bullocks made from €185 to €785 over the €/kg, with the top bullock, a Belgian Blue weighing 705kg, making €1,490. Heifers made from €260 to €695 along with the weight. The top heifer,

a Limousin cross weighing 485kg, made €1,180. Weanling bulls made from €110 to €625 over the weight with the top weanling bull, a Charolais weighing 385kg, making €1,010.

Weanling heifers made from €130 to €542 over the kilo. Cull ewes made from €78 to €108. Lambs made from €66 to €107.

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Cattle prices: in-spec stock show class at Macroom Mart