Last Friday’s sale at Cavan Mart saw strong farmer demand once again. The good weather has helped to brighten up the mood and keep demand strong. Farmer buyers continued to be the backbone of the trade. However, some feedlot buyers continue to source short-keep types.

Heavy bullocks were a firm trade, with those over 600kg selling from €600 to €750 along with the weight. Even good-quality heavy Friesian bullocks ticking the boxes were selling for over €2.00/kg.

Continental bullocks in the same weight range sold from €700 along with the weight and higher. Forward stores from 500kg to 600kg sold mainly from €2.10/kg to €2.40/kg. Again, good-quality Charolais types were met with the best prices.

Weanling bulls were met with good demand and prices ranged mainly from €550 to €650 along with the weight for good-quality types. Several good-quality continental bulls around 320kg to 340kg sold from €870 to €955/head.

Forward heifers over 500kg were a solid trade and sold from €2.25/kg to €2.40/kg mainly, with top-quality types selling to over €800 along with the weight. Lighter stores and weanling heifers sold from €400 to €660 along with the weight. Light Angus heifers with dairy breeding made from €350 to €470 along with the weight.