US crops report: farmers continue to plant
Siobhán Walsh
Farmers in the United States are busy planting corn and soybeans at present, with some areas further along than others.
23 May 2024 News
Tillage Podcast: walking crops from Ardee to Illinois
This week’s Tillage Podcast comes to you from the US and has a detailed update on crops in Co Louth.
22 May 2024 Markets
Grain Trends: markets jump with weather news
Grain prices jumped this week, as concerns over weather and crop yields hit markets. Siobhán Walsh reports from the US this week.
German seed precision ticks boxes for busy contractor
Sowing a substantial acreage of corn each year, Peter Thomas Keaveney caught up with Wexford contractor Trevor James to find out why he runs Horsch drills.
24 April 2024 Farm machinery
Barley seed demand up among dairy farmers
Farmers are looking to secure their own straw supplies ahead of next winter and are considering sowing their own barley to fulfill their requirements.
27 March 2024 News
The ups and downs of building a suckler herd in US 'corn country'
Matt Rice runs 40 cow-calf pairs on his 2,100ac farm in Illinois, rotating them between paddocks across the holding. Claire Mc Cormack reports.
17 January 2024 News
Farming 2,100ac of maize and soybeans in the USA
Claire McCormack reports from the Rice family farm in Illinois where they grow maize and soybeans, alongside a suckler operation.
10 January 2024 News
Letter from Missouri: good maize yields, but thin margins
Kevin and Michele Rosenbohm of Rosenbohm Farms in Missouri, US, give an update from their 2023 harvest, explain how their use of technology is changing and give their outlook for the future.
3 January 2024 News
Beef expansion begins to take shape in China
In China, there is always a confidence that, in a big market, 'just build it and a market that will come', writes Ian Lahiffe in China.
20 December 2023 Opinion
Harvesting 1,750ac of maize and soybean in the US corn belt
Sarah Hastings farms in Illinois. She told Claire McCormack that skyrocketing nitrogen bills increased her cost of production this year.
13 December 2023 Feature