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Title: The biggest ever innovation arena at the Ploughing
A summary of each of the finalist's innovative designs and ideas that will take centre stage on the Enterprise Ireland/Irish Farmers Journal/NPA innovation arena.
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Update Success !
This year, the prize fund for the Innovation Awards at the Ploughing has been increased by €15,000 to €65,000, showing a clear commitment from Enterprise Ireland, the Irish Farmers Journal and the NPA to innovation in Ireland.
Enterprise Ireland has also secured further funding for some of the category winners – those with a good business plan and a willingness to succeed.
Denis Duggan from Enterprise Ireland said the interest for this year’s competition has been “phenomenal”.
According to Denis, the competition has also attracted the attention of an international delegation who will visit the Ploughing this year. The range of applicants and innovative designs are diverse and broad-ranging.
Some innovative ideas are born out of the need to improve safety or efficiency on the home farm. Other ideas come from well-established companies who see a gap to provide unique solutions in business.
Making fencing a one-person job
Andrew developed this idea as part of a final-year project while studying. The Easy Fencer is a simple, practical solution to an ever-increasing problem on family farms, making livestock fencing a one-person operation.
Doing three things at one time
Samco is an innovative agricultural manufacturing company located in Adare, Co Limerick. The reason for the invention of the three-in-one Samco SoilMaster was to provide farmers and contractors with a machine to carry out three operations in one, reducing the need for three separate tractors and operators at different times of the reseeding process.
Promoting health and safety
Martin’s Safety Equipment (MSE) aims to manufacture and produce innovative products that promote health and safety in the agricultural sector. Marie Martin, as founder of MSE, launched the flagship Safe Scrub Sprayer to commercial success as a result of winning The Young Entrepreneur Programme as a transition year student in 2011.
Taking the burden of admin away
Farmflo is an award-winning agri-tech company with its headquarters in Letterkenny, Co Donegal. The company was founded by brothers Jason and Gareth Devenney, who came up with an innovative way to tackle the burden of time-consuming administration and paperwork that seems to go hand-in-hand with modern-day farming.
Farmflo’s mission is simple – they want to allow farmers to get back into the field and focus on what they enjoy most, with the peace of mind of knowing that their regulatory requirements are being managed safely and securely in the cloud.
Tackling farm safety for children
In the aftermath of the worst year on record for farm safety in Ireland, farmer’s wife and mother of one Alma Jordan founded AgriKids in January 2015. Alma realised a need for a dedicated and proactive strategy that would kick-start a change in farm safety attitudes and behaviour. The following June, Alma launched the first in her series of farm safety stories for children and is soon to launch a range of high-impact clothing.
An efficient firewood processor
Ben is a mixed farmer who enjoys designing machinery. The idea for his innovative firewood processor came about due to the need for a machine that can process large quantities quickly and give the option as to whether the logs are allowed through split or unsplit. The ram that splits the logs also conveys the logs into and out of the machine, eliminating the need for two conveyors. Also many logs can be thrown in at one time as opposed to having to do one at a time.
Using seaweed to improve animal health
The health benefits of seaweed are widely known. What is not so widely known is which seaweeds or combination of seaweeds deliver the best health benefits for specific animals. OceanFeed Bovine HPI (Health and Performance Improver) contains a specific blend of natural seaweeds that helps improve health and performance in cattle. This formulation is the latest product in the OceanFeed range and is produced by Ocean Harvest Technology Ltd., a small seaweed research and innovation company based in Milltown, Co Galway.
Real-time soil and water testing
The idea for Limitless Meters was sparked from a college project as part of the final semester in the BSc forestry in Waterford Institute of Technology. The project required students to come up with a viable business idea which had to be researched, developed and then pitched to potential investors. John Liston and Michael Doyle decided to team up to complete the project. After a look around the land-based sectors, it became clear that there was a need that had not yet been satisfied for real-time soil and water testing and John and Michael explored the possibility of developing a prototype that could solve this problem.
Using eucalyptus as a wood fuel
D-Plant Horticulture, established in 1996, is a registered Guaranteed Irish company. About eight years ago it undertook the research and development of eucalyptus as a homegrown wood fuel. Two years on, first trial plots were planted and they have continued planting each year to date. These trial plots are open for viewing to anyone interested in growing eucalyptus wood fuel. They have become an important research resource for institutions such as Teagasc and UCD.
Game improves farm safety awareness
According to the HSA, 22 children in total died on Irish farms between the years 2005 and 2014. These shocking figures led to Co Monaghan second-level student Patrick Duffy creating Think Safely Farm Safely, a board game for primary school children, encouraging them to become more aware of the dangers of the farm. It is Patrick’s view that currently there is a lack of awareness of farm safety among young people, and his game aims to encourage children to learn about farm safety in a fun and interactive way.
Reducing carbon emission from slurry
Vincent Nally and ORS are engaged in developing carbon emission mitigation infrastructure for conventional winter animal housing, providing a renewable on-farm energy source and making slurry management safer. Based on their LEADER-funded research report, it became clear that in order to benefit fully from the gases in fresh slurry that a solution had to be found to moving the slurry out of the standard slatted shed as quickly and efficiently as possible. It soon became apparent that there were many benefits, including, but not to limited to, on-farm energy production, health and safety associated with harmful gases, carbon emission reduction, odour reduction, the provision of a higher-quality fertiliser.
Sharing machinery information online
FarmInCo is a new online platform that will be launched at the National Ploughing Championships. It will enable farmers to upload information about machinery so that it may be shared/rented to other farmers in their locality. In generations past, farmers often worked together to shoulder the cost of machinery. FarmInCo uses modern technology to enable a resurgence of this practice. The creators of FarmInCo are two friends, John McGrath and Ciaran O’Donnell. John’s background is farming and Ciaran’s is IT. Their aim is for farmers to earn extra income by turning idle machinery into income-producing assets.
Making dairy farming more profitable
Dairymaster’s objective is to make dairy farming more profitable, enjoyable and sustainable. The company has carved out a reputation, both nationally and internationally, for providing hi-tech solutions for dairy farming. Its product range encompasses five key areas: milking equipment; automated feeding systems; manure scrapers; cow health and fertility monitors and milk cooling tanks. Technology is a big focus throughout. The company has designed products, solving age-old problems, to propel innovation in agriculture which may seem unimaginable.
Attaching machinery more safely
Safe Farming Solutions was set up in January 2015 by Aaron Duignan. Aaron was a finalist in the 2015 NUIG Students’ Union Enterprise Awards with his start-up enterprise Safe Farming Solutions.The Safety Bolt is the first product of Safe Farming Solutions which makes the attaching of machinery on to tractors safer and more convenient for the farmer. Aaron came up with the idea of the Safety Bolt after realising that farmers were facing unnecessarily stressful situations when attaching machines to their tractors via the three-point linkage.
Using data to improve profitability
Sixty-5 technologies is a precision agriculture company which focuses on improving the profitability of small- to medium-sized farms and agricultural contractors. Its product range includes app-based GPS machine guidance and job recording on modern tablets, enabling field inputs and machinery to be more efficiently managed, saving money while recording and storing the job data and map on an online portal. For agri-contractors, this data can be used for accurate billing and machinery management. For farmers, data generated by either their contractor or themselves can be used for traceability and farm records. The products focus on simplicity of operation, complementing field operations.
Safety device for tractor loaders
Ian Bolger, a 19-year-old college student, developed a new safety device for tractor loaders, called Safe Attach. It solves the issues relating to attachments not being properly secured on loaders. Looking for a solution to help stop this happening again, he developed his own design.The device uses two sensors which will detect the attachment and a warning light which will warn the operator if an attachment is not properly secured on a loader.
Electronic herd management system
The Herdwatch concept started three years ago with the realisation that over 90% of cattle farmers did not use any form of electronic herd management system. Herdwatch was released in February 2014 and has since been purchased by more than 1,000 farmers and won multiple awards. Herdwatch’s solution is unique because it combines mobility, ease of use, offline capabilities, cloud backup, and also ensures compliance with Bord Bia animal remedies legislation, a requirement which is weighing increasingly on farmers. Finally, it can be used on many devices, as it is compatible with Apple iOS devices (eg iPhone/iPad), Android phones/tablets, and Mac/Windows computers and laptops.
Using byproducts for animal feed
Sean Tully Animal Feeds Ltd is a family-run business founded by Sean Tully, who has over 35 years’ experience in the animal feed sector. Over the years, Sean observed that an increasing amount of byproducts from the bakery, confectionary and brewing industries were not being utilised to their full potential. As a farmer, Sean asked how these products could be used for animal feed, and has focused his attention on developing a high-quality feed using these byproducts. From trials supported by international nutritionists, he developed a formula of feed that enhances performance and improves animal health and welfare.
Minimising risk during post driving
Fearghal McCann, a welder and engineer who lives and works on a suckler farm, designs and manufactures his own machinery, such as Grab a Post. This is a post driver that does not require anyone to lift or hold posts by hand while they are being hammered into the ground, as would be the case with a conventional post driver. This minimises the risk of injury to someone who would usually have to stand beside a heavy falling weight.
Shaking and raking mowed grass
Malone specialises in designing and manufacturing agricultural equipment from its premises in Ballyglass, Claremorris, Co Mayo. Malone Grassline is a range of specialist machinery designed for harvesting optimum nutritious silage for livestock.
The Shake N Rake was inspired by the need for a quick turnaround when making silage. This is especially true here in our own changeable weather conditions in Ireland. The Shake N Rake combines two functions in one compact and easy-to-use machine. First it teds out mowed grass for wilting. Then the same machine rakes up the wilted grass in a neat and even swath ready for picking or baling.
Fully electric high-tip dumper
The Irish green tech manufacturing company recently unveiled its ED1000, a fully electric high-tip dumper. Packaged with McLaren’s Nu-Air series solid cushion tires, ED1000 operators will experience unmatched stability, toughness and smoothness of ride. An integrated charging system automatically picks the correct voltage from a power source, and charging overnight allows the ED1000 to go a full work day without stopping. The nimble 1t dumper also transports easily.
Mower copes with tough conditions
The traditional flail mower has until recently been the machine of choice for the clearance of rushes, scrub and small trees. However, the fuel consumption costs and the slow pace of work associated with using a flail for heavy ground clearance encouraged the R&D staff at Major to develop an alternative – the Major 2.5m Cyclone Mower. The Major Cyclone easily copes with the toughest of conditions, including rushes, shrub and gorse, yet the power requirement is up to 30% less than that required by a flail mower.
Making agri charcoal
+Char sells products and services that help farmers increase food production without increasing greenhouse gas emissions. The main product is a revolutionary kiln that, despite its simple design and low cost, burns cleanly to make a certified agricultural charcoal. This natural biochar has been shown to increase yields and improve animal health while regenerating the environment. The main target markets are intensive dairy farmers and organic farmers. +Char is the trading name of the Biochar Cooperative.
Helping move cattle into the crush
In 2011, Kiernan Trailers invented the KO Doser, which is now being produced commercially by Gibney Steel Products. Two other projects are coming on stream. One is the KO Mover, which has been also patented. It is a device to facilitate the forward movement of cattle into the headgate of a crush. This is the product that will be on display in the innovation arena at the National Ploughing Championship.
Watching your water consumption
WaterWatch is a soil moisture monitoring and irrigation scheduling system that uses a unique water irrigation model to calculate the optimal water use for plant growth, based on soil parameters, plant growth data and soil moisture deficit measured using soil moisture sensors. WaterWatch can reduce water usage by up to 40% as well as increasing crop yield and quality. Water irrigation recommendations are made to the grower on how much to irrigate (or not to irrigate), with support data indicating how close to irrigation the crop is along with forecasts.
Grass sensor and reporting system
This new grass sensor and reporting system was developed in partnership with Teagasc’s Grassland Research Centre at Moorepark and provides the farmer with real-time information on paddock performance. What gets measured can be managed, so knowing the grass available on a day-to-day basis allows the farmer to allocate the correct amount to his cows so that he has the best output from the herd. Providing up-to-date information on paddock performance is critical to the efficiency of the dairy enterprise. Grasshopper will be formally launched at this year’s National Ploughing Championships.
View and buy animals on smart phone
AgManor is an online interactive streaming platform that allows farmers to view, bid and buy animals online from livestock marts via their mobile phones or smart devices. Farmers can view live and historic cattle sales and information, guarantee payment and compliance, save costs and make better business decisions.
The concept for AgManor developed from the founder’s own experience of trying to attend livestock marts and gather real-time information on animal prices while trying to run another business full-time.
High-speed feeder with six legs
Sammy Hughes, Newrock Engineering, has been involved in Diet Feeder design for almost 40 years – mainly paddle-type feeders. His three-leg design, with the large circumference, has proven to be better for mixing and easier driven. This design revolutionised the paddle feeder at that time. Now the Newrock Wheel Feeder has six legs within the even larger circumference, with an 11ft diameter wheel giving rise to many advantages in its speed of mixing, quality of mix and being even easier to drive. Newrock’s design has moved on to cater for the dairy and beef farmer with the high speeds of mixing and its rapid discharge with tests showing an 8t discharge in 30 seconds with no residue.
Inspect 4 Hoof Trimming
Maeve O’Keeffe is from a dairy farming background in east Cork. She attained a BSc in Land Management Agriculture from WIT in 2012. Her experience in New Zealand gave rise to the genesis of her solution, the Inspect 4 turn-over crate. She spotted a niche and felt the existing equipment is unsafe and inefficient. The new device is a hydraulically operated turn-over crate that is safe for operator and animal. It is also suited to the problematic area of inserting dry cow tubes in robotic milking cows or teat-sealing heifers, which is an increasing problem on Irish farms.
Analytics system aimed at helping poultry farmers
SmartChick is an analytics support decision system in poultry farming. The technology can address many of the data-hungry challenges involved in poultry farming, from the monitoring and adjustment of feed rates to environmental factors such as light, water, and humidity for large-scale poultry farms. It provides both an analysis of the feed conversion problem as well as a cloud-based analytics infrastructure solution that will be extensible to other data-hungry challenges in poultry farming.
A novel beet-washing system
This beet-washing system is based on a large bucket and incorporates a number of novel features. The bottom section is made beet-basket style with round bars 25mm diameter and a gap of 33mm between each bar. Inside the bucket is a hydraulically driven cross shaft. This is fitted with three pairs of leg-type paddles mounted on it. Opposing paddles are positioned on the end of each pair of legs to agitate and tumble the beet in opposite directions. Each paddle has a rubber pad bolted to it to minimise bruising of the beet.
Maximising likelihood of conception
Pregnancy is the key for profitability in the dairy and beef sectors worldwide. The requirement for efficient milk and beef production has led Reproinfo’s focus on producing tools and services which maximise the likelihood of bovine conception. Reproinfo provides software and data analysis services which address bovine reproductive tract status for dairy and beef cows. Reproinfo has created the first patent-protected smart device, CadMan, to provide computer-aided diagnoses of ultrasound video output of bovine reproductive tract examinations.