Heat is helping: Most crops with adequate moisture under their feed have progressed well in the past few weeks. The accelerated growth has helped crops fill in, as well as remain quite clean. But there are a few dirty crops about and they serve as a warning of the need to protect against disease because not everything is right all of the time. Spring crops remain under some pressure where they are suffering from dry conditions.
Mildew is an issue in some spring barley crops and one should watch for brown rust too in case it sneaks through in the heat. But most crops remain clean, helped by the generally dry weather. Spring crops that continue to look pale should be given some form of multi-element tonic to drive them on, or at least to stop them from slipping backwards. Applying big quantities of a foliar element like nitrogen might have difficulty showing benefit if moisture rather than nutrients is the main limiting factor.
It may not be too long before crows become interested in winter barley crops. So if you have particularly susceptible areas get your retaliation in first by building a range of defence systems. It is always easier to keep them out than to get them out.
Winter crops: Final sprays will be going on to winter wheat over the next week or two. Many crops will have heads out this week and flowering will start. Target T3 sprays during early flowering rather than a time interval from the T2. Final sprays will target ear blight but also cover against septoria and rust (and mildew in places).
The final spray is mainly about triazoles and some will add a strobilurin like Modem or Amistar, and possibly a contact. The main triazole mixtures for T3 are Prosaro, Gleam and Magnello. If mildew is present, add a morpholine or use Cello instead of Prosaro. If septoria is a concern, add chlorothalonil or use Amistar Opti. Robust to full rates of triazole are essential for ear blight control.
All winter oat crops should have received their final spray by now.
Spring crops: Crops vary from those at the start of stem extension to those on which flag leaf has emerged. All barley crops should now have received a T1 fungicide – others at almost ready for the T2. Thankfully there are very few crops being challenged by serious disease but you need to cover against mildew and rust in this weather. Final sprays can be Bontima, Siltra, Ceriax, Treoris plus a triazole, or Fandango. There is no guarantee the year will remain dry.
Add chlorothalonil or Phoenix for ramularia control.
Watch spring rape for pollen beetle once you can see the flower heads. If you have charlock flowering in ditches they can provide and early warning system. Spray if you have a lot of beetles at the green bud stage. Insecticide options include Karate, Karis, Cypersect, Sitrine, Lambda, Markate and Farmco Aphicide Super. Check label for rate.