When you are in your 3rd trimester and he works out your condition score #marriedafarmer
— Sarah Davies (@sarahdavies_sjd) January 19, 2015
He notices a well clipped ewe sooner than when I've had my hair cut!
— Rachael (@WoldsLass) January 18, 2015
MT “@ElwessHerefords: #marriedafarmer Discovered the whole world can be kept together w baler band & agritape” pic.twitter.com/cTQ8t7uFSr
— Cara McDermott (@caramcdermott) January 18, 2015
And you always have an excuse to leave a boring party early, sorry we have a cow calving.
— Rachel Addyman (@Yorksmilkmaid) January 18, 2015
You give up trying to figure out which are his "good" clothes and his "work" clothes....
— John Kelly (@j0hn_k) January 18, 2015
Essential ingredients in kitchen cupboard include breadsoda, veg oil and treacle - good for calf bloat!
— Lorna Sixsmith (@IrishFarmerette) January 18, 2015
Thou shalt not talk during the weather
— MrsHelenM (@MrsM_OnTheFarm) January 18, 2015
When the kitchen table doesn't actually resemble a kitchen table, but does look a bit like a post sorting office...
— Boycefield Herefords (@BoycefieldFarm) January 18, 2015