Northern Ireland
2024 grass yields down 18% in NI
Peter McCann
Across all GrassCheck farms in Northern Ireland, the average grass yield is 12% lower than 2023 levels
Steps for NI dairy farms to cut ammonia by 43%
Open days for local farmers were held at AFBI Hillsborough last week. Peter McCann reports.
19 June 2024 Viewpoints
Without farmers, research gathers dust
The challenges around surplus phosphorus, ammonia and methane are particularly important in a Northern Ireland scenario.
Climate change to push NI grass yields up by 17%
Open days for farmers were held at the Agri Food and Biosciences Institute in Hillsborough, Co Down on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.
19 June 2024 Northern Ireland
Grass yields to rise 17% due to climate change
Open days for farmers were held at the Agri Food and Biosciences Institute in Hillsborough, Co Down, on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.
19 June 2024 News
Vital role for AFBI research in NI ag
Two major open days are planned at AFBI Hillsborough on 18 and 19 June.
12 June 2024 Northern Ireland