Title: chief executive.
Company: Krone Group.
Total group turnover: €1.8bn
Ag machinery turnover (2016): €569m.
Established: 1906.
Ownership: Fourth generation family ownership.
What’s the mood in Europe’s agriculture industry at the moment?
The industry has its challenges. The wet conditions in Germany and other parts of Europe were a big issue that made the maize harvest quite difficult. On the other hand, dairy prices are back to a normal level so that is a good thing.
How has 2017 been for you in terms of sales?
I would say last year in September/October we were a little bit worried about 2017 because of how low milk prices were at that time. I was worried sales could fall as much as 10%. But by December, especially in Germany, milk prices came back to a good level. The market had really picked up by early 2017 and we’re on track to finish this year with a 2% increase in sales. For the coming year, we think a 10% increase in sales is achievable.
Has spending confidence of your customers improved?
Yes it has. After the improvement in milk prices, we thought there would be a lag of three to six months before farmers started spending money again but it was nearly right away. From the moment the milk price picked up in December 2016, we could already start to feel a certain demand in the market again by January.
What is driving the market for the business right now?
Our aim in Krone is to globalise our agribusiness division. Every year we are selling our products in more and more countries around the world. China is a fast-growing market for us and South America is growing also. However, our business in the US market is slowing down at the moment as dairy prices are still not on a good level in North America. The political situation is also not helping.
What are your thoughts on Brexit?
I’m not sure. I thought the market would slow down because of the Brexit vote, the weaker sterling and the uncertainty of our customers. But at the moment we see the markets are still good. Our friends from Farmhand told me they had a very good year. Also our own company Krone UK had a good year. Farmers are looking after their own business which is all they can do. They cannot rely on politics. Not in the UK, not in Ireland, not in Germany, not anywhere. I think people get used to uncertainty and they find their own way.
What is the situation in the steel market?
I think material prices will pick up a little bit. The global economy is going quite well and China is demanding a lot of steel. We will see how the market goes but we believe the price of steel will go up a little bit. And also for other raw materials.