What is the mood of farmers in west Cork currently?
It has undoubtedly been a tough year for all farming sectors (tillage in particular) and this has taken its toll. However, there is a cautious optimism now among most, with milk price rising and pig prices stabilising. Beef farmers are probably a bit less optimistic but at least tillage farmers have got decent weather to sow their winter crops.
Has this year’s difficult harvest affected sowings for next season?
Yes, but perhaps not as much as first thought. If anything, winter barley sowings are up due to good sowing conditions and because the crop offers earlier harvesting. Spring sowings of grain will be down but growers will look at other options such as beans and forage crops on contract for dairy farmers.
How did the co-op support grain farmers this year?
Barryroe accepted all grain presented to us on the weighbridge. We paid €132, €140 and €165 (+VAT) per tonne for barley, wheat and beans before any bonuses agreed by the management committee of the co-op after year end.
Are you seeing an extension of credit this year compared to last?
Yes, but my experience of farmers is that they want to clear their input costs at year end if they can. Where they can’t, the co-op will work with farmers to agree a realistic payment plan.
Do you think meal quality is too variable in Ireland?
To a certain extent, you get what you pay for. More expensive rations tend to be higher in energy. A level of trust is required with your supplier as it is difficult to compare rations unless you know exactly what is in them.
What do you see as biggest challenge to farmers in your area?
For tillage and beef farmers, profitability of their enterprises. For pig farmers, environmental constraints, while for dairy farmers the availability of land is the biggest constraint. Competition for land is strong within the dairy sector.
Did many of your suppliers opt for the milk reduction scheme?
Large numbers submitted applications but the volumes involved were typically small. I know of no Barryroe supplier who decided to significantly reduce output because of the scheme.