Whatever its ambitions for producing meat substitutes, the one thing Beyond Meat continues to be consistent at is making losses for its investors.

In the second quarter of this year, the US company managed to make a loss of $53.5m (€48.8m) on revenues of $102.1m (€93.2m).

To put that another way, the company's net loss was more than 50% of its cashflow. Or, it cost Beyond Meat more than $1.50 to sell €1.00 of fake meat. It has to be said, this is an improvement from the same period of 2022 where it cost the company more than $1.65 for every $1.00 of product sold.

The overall size of the losses in the second quarter has been further reduced by the drop in consumer demand for Beyond Meat's products. The value of product sold dropped by 30% while the volume was 24% lower.

The other place there are losses today is in the value of the company's shares, which dropped more than 10% in the wake of the earnings report.