Preparations are in full swing for the Tullamore Farm heifer sale taking place next Wednesday evening in Roscrea mart, Co Tipperary, at 7.30pm.
The sale will include 24 in-calf heifers and five maiden heifers. All heifers are genotyped four- and five-star on the replacement index and are eligible for the BDGP scheme.
The majority of the heifers are by AI sires, QCD, ZAG, Biouvac, Curaheen Earp and Dereen Declan. Heifers are in calf to EBY, ULSAN, LM2014 and the Salers stock bull on Tullamore Farm and are due to calve. The average replacement index of the group is €132.
The 29 heifers which have been housed yesterday will be in Roscrea Mart from lunchtime on Wednesday and will be available for viewing from the afternoon onwards.
Those wishing to bid online are advised to register with the mart early to make sure the required permission to bid is granted in advance of the sale.
Below, I pick out my top three heifers in the sale and give my reasons why.
Lot 819: My favourite heifer in the bunch. A deep red Simmental heifer, in time she'll make a perfect cross for a Charolais sire. She was weighed on Friday 2 October and she was 504kg. Genotyped five stars with a replacement index of €122, she is +15 for carcase weight and +10kg for milk.
Sired by one of the highest-ranked Simmentals available in AI, Derreen Declan Dam's first calf killed 365kg at 14 months. Her mother is a nice compact cow with a super ZAG calf this year doing 1.34kg/day. She is due to calve on 8 March 2020 to Salers bull.
Lot 811: Another lovely heifer by AHC. Probably not everybody's choice but for me she has one of the highest indexes in the bunch and also has a little bit of style in her appearance. She is genotyped five stars with a replacement index of €184.
She is +17kg carcase weight and +13kg for milk. Sired by polled Simmental AI bull Auroch Deuter (AHC) Dam's first Angus-sired bull. Killed R= at 350kg carcase at only 15 months. Calved at 25 months with a calving interval of 358 days. She is due to calve on 10 February 2020 to LM2014. She was weighed on 2 October and was 602kg.
Lot 818: A great strong Charolais cross heifer. She is a five-star heifer with a replacement index of €135. Average daily gain as a calf was 1.46kg/day. She is +19kg for carcase weight and +8.9kg for milk. Sired by: Bivouac Dams previous Tomschoice Ironstone calf killed a U- 423kg at 16 months. Dam's calving interval is 357 days having calved at 24 months. She is due to calve on 20 February 2020 to the AI sire EBY. She was weighed on Friday 2 October and weighed 598kg.
Online bidding
The sale will start at 7.30pm with ringside bidding and online bidding available via the Irish Farmers Journal Martbids app on the night. Prospective purchasers are advised to register for online biding on and apply for permission to bid in Roscrea mart.
Under the current COVID-19 restrictions numbers allowed around the ring will be limited so farmers are advised to book places early.
The mart has asked that all online bidding registrations be completed by Monday 19 October to make sure that farmers are granted permission to bid online on the night. For bidding enquiries contact Roscrea Mart on 0505 21687.
The sale will be streamed live on and people who just want to view the sale can go to the website, register an email address and get access to view the sale.
Check out the online catalogue here: