Feeding weanlings
Light store cattle, and weanlings, tend to have higher weight gain during the first half of the winter housing period, partly due to be being younger and more feed efficient.
Therefore, front loading concentrates during this period increases weight gain compared with a flat rate feeding period.
If you take a 300kg calf housed on 1 November with a target turnout date of 1 April, giving a 180-day winter feeding period, feeding a flat rate of 2kg/day of concentrate is a total of 360kg fed over winter.
Front loading concentrates for the first 90 days at 3kg/day, then cutting back to 1kg/day for the next 90 days is still 360kg of ration used.
The higher feed rate in the first half of winter will support higher weight gain. The lower feed rate will help prepare cattle for grazing,
Autumn Bulls
With autumn born bulls destined for under 16 month bull beef now on ad-lib feed on many farms, feed management is critical to avoid digestive upsets and acidosis. Access to fibre in the form of straw or silage is also important.
Make sure these animals have clear access to clean fresh water every day, as intakes can drop quickly where water becomes an issue.
At drafting, try and select a pen at a time as mixing will result in fighting and injury.
Forage Crops
With heavy frost and snow forecast for parts of the country over the next few days, vigilance is needed around feeding forage crops. It is not recommended to feed these frozen crops, as sudden deaths can occur from feeding. Best advice is to wait until frost or snow has thawed.
Changing the time you move the fence until the afternoon can help in some situations. Try and wait until the sun has thawed the crop in the afternoon to move the fence.
If the crop doesn’t thaw out, feed extra silage to get you over the frosty period. Make sure drinkers are flowing and not frozen.
Suckler Marts roadshow
We have had huge numbers attend our suckler marts roadshow which has taken place over the last month in marts across the country. The mood is positive in suckler circles for the first time in a long number of years.
Next week sees the Irish Farmers Journal suckler marts roadshow take the last event in the series to Gortatlea Mart, just outside Castleisland in Co Kerry.
The event will take place on Thursday evening, 28 November and will kick off at 7pm. Scheme deadlines and payment dates will be covered on the night, along with a presentation from a local vet on dosing and winter health.
The full Irish Farmers Journal livestock team will be there to answer any questions that you may have.
A live demo with suckler cows and AI bred calves will take place in association with Dovea Genetics and Munster Bovine.
Hot food and refreshments will be served on the night, with a free raffle for Irish Farmers Journal merchandise and straws from Dovea Genetics and Munster Bovine.