BEEP Weighing
Make sure to register your scales before weighing is completed as part of the BEEP scheme. It’s relatively straightforward and can be done at You need to log in to your HerdPlus account and follow the on-screen instructions.
You need: the make or manufacturer of the scales, the serial number of the scales and the year in which the scales was purchased.
If you registered a scales last year or if you are renting a scales through a co-op, they will already be registered, and this will be recorded through the booking system.
If you are using a borrowed scales, you need to use the original registration number, i.e. registration number moves with the scales.
To record weights, you enter the date of weighing and fill in the weights with their corresponding tag numbers. Weighing scales are available to rent from participating co-ops and local stores.
Calves can be weighed at any age but to get maximum benefit from analysis, weighing should be carried out around 200 days old, before creep feeding starts, to get a good handle on the maternal aspects of the cow.
Your weighing report will be available once weights are inputted. Sit down and take a look at what cows are rearing heavy calves versus lighter calves, and make a few informed decisions about culling and choosing replacements.
Also, don’t forget if you are planning to wean early spring calves make sure you are feeding meal four weeks before and two weeks after weaning. If inspected you will need to have the receipts for the meal purchased at the correct time.
Tullamore Farm Open Day
There are only a few days to go until our national Beef and Sheep Open Day. It will take place on the Tullamore Farm (R35AT81) on Tuesday 26 July from 10.30am to 5pm and is supported by AXA Smart Farm Insurance.
All of the suckler herd and their progeny will be on display on the day, together with our 250 ewe flock. There will be farm tours, over 50 trade stands and workshops and a seminar on the future of the Irish beef industry from 3pm with an industry-led panel, followed by a Q&A session.
A number of options will be discussed for the farm, including taking a look at organics and whether it’s an option to increase profitability on the farm.
Minister Charlie McConalogue will attend the open day and will participate in the discussion and debate at the forum.
Register now at Parking and entry is free. It’s a family friendly day and everybody is welcome. For more details visit
Farm Safety
Farm Safety Week takes place from the 18-24 July and a lot of coverage is planned on all Irish Farmers Journal social media, print and digital channels.
Just because Farm Safety Week ends this week doesn’t mean safety ends on farms. It should be to the forefront of our minds at all times.
Children pose a huge risk on farms during summer holidays. A lot of bales are being stacked in sheds at the moment. Make sure no children are around at stacking time or afterwards for fear of bales falling.