The rain has hampered grazing efforts on heavy farms right across the country, especially in the north and northwest.
Although showers are forecast to be less frequent over the next few days, management is key to avoiding excessive damage.
While temporary housing of stock was required in some areas after the heavy downpours, keeping stock out on grass is paramount to maintaining liveweight gain.
Avoid stressing cattle too much during these periods of poor grazing conditions as stress could bring on other issues such as pneumonia.
Allocating a fresh strip for grazing on a 12-hour or 24-hour basis, using a back fence and moving cattle on before damage occurs is the best approach.
Where ground is not grazed off properly, these areas can be re-grazed if the weather improves in the coming weeks.
Where creep-feeding of calves or feeding finishing cattle is taking place, moving troughs daily is essential to reduce localised poaching around feeding points.