The closed period for slurry applications starts on 1 October in the Republic of Ireland, regardless of whether farms are in zone A, zone B or zone C.
However, for farmers in Northern Ireland, the closed period for spreading slurry starts at midnight on 15 October.
But NI farmers should note on 1 October, for splash plate applications, buffer zones to water courses increase from 10m to 15m and from 20m to 30m next to lakes.
If using low emissions slurry spreading equipment, buffer zones to water courses increase from 3m to 5m.
Weather for the week ahead is relatively settled, so look to make the most of that window for spreading slurry.
Look to get a light coat on paddocks as soon as cattle finish grazing. Limit slurry to between 1,000 and 1,500 gallons/acre if these paddocks are needed for grazing again this autumn.
Be mindful that slurry is high in potash, which increases the risk of tetany. Therefore, keep on top of magnesium supplementation and leave three weeks between applying slurry and grazing again.
Keep safety in mind at all time when working with slurry. Keep children and farm pets away from mixing and filling points.
Check the PTO is properly guarded, the tanker has working lights, good tyres and that the tractor is fit to handle the tanker under load.
‘Wriggle room’ needed on slurry spreading deadline - Sinn Féin