The clock is ticking to get autumn reseeding completed in time, so where there are plans to sow out new grass, look to start the task this week.
If old grass swards have to be burned off before reseeding, leave anywhere from 12 to 14 days from spraying to ploughing or stitching in new grass seed.
Burning off a sward this weekend means it will be the last weekend in August before grass seed could be sown out. That is assuming that the weather is on your side.
Therefore, don’t delay. The days are getting shorter and time will soon run out for getting new grass established.
Apply lime, ideally in granulated form, to give an immediate rise in soil pH after burning off old grass. It is also a good idea to apply farmyard manure before ploughing or drilling grass seed, but this has to be worked into the soil.
When cultivating after ploughing, make sure there is a firm seedbed for grass seed, especially when using a mix with clover.
Clover is a tiny seed and should be drilled between 5mm and 10mm in depth, so a tight seed bed is crucial for a good establishment. Roll after sowing to retain moisture and reduce the burden of slugs.
If stitching in grass, graze off the old sward that has been burned off as tight as possible. Discing will break up old dead grass butts and increase soil contact for the new seed.
The weed burden will be lower when stitching in grass compared with ploughing and it is less vulnerable to time delays with the weather.
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