The positive sales for the year-to-date continued with a clearance of stock at Thursday’s fatstock show and sale in Clare Marts, Ennis.

Manager Martin McNamara reported prices for sales in the first six weeks of the year running on average €140 ahead of 2014 levels. Weanling bull and heifer prices are running €70 to €80 above last year, while stores and slaughter-fit cattle and cows are running anywhere from €140 to €200 ahead.

Slaughter-fit R and U grade steers and heifers sold from €2.20/kg to €2.50/kg, with prizewinners and excellent-quality lots rising to and exceeding €2.60/kg in cases.

Martin said the trade for beef cattle was helped by strong farmer and finisher activity for store cattle for summer grazing systems and strong demand from finishers refilling sheds for killing in April and May.

R and U grading continental and good-quality Hereford and Angus bullocks, with potential to kill under 30 months of age, sold from €2.20/kg to €2.50/kg. Small numbers of aged and lesser-quality dairy-bred stock sold from €2.00/kg to €2.15/kg. The price trend was similar for heifers.

Martin reports throughput of dry cows running close to 10% above last year, with higher prices and strong mart trading enticing more cows to the ring.

Friesian feeding cows sold from €1.20/kg to €1.50/kg, with slaughter-fit cows selling to €1.60/kg to €1.70/kg. R grading short-keep store cows sold from €1.70/kg to €1.85/kg, with slaughter-fit lots selling to €2.00/kg.

Heavy R+ and U grading cows weighing 750kg upwards sold from €2.00/kg to €2.20/kg, with a small number of cows exceeding this.

Commission rates are 1.1% to 1.5% to the seller to a maximum of €13/head and €9 to the buyer (VAT inclusive).