With more and more autumn-born weanlings coming to the fore each week, the trade continues to be very strong.
Where heavy bulls are on offer, feeder buyers are sourcing a little earlier than other years and they have been quite active in sourcing feeding types.
At lighter weights under 300kg, the Turkish market is continuing to perform, with exporters steadily sourcing average-quality types. Farmer buyers are the main source of demand for all other weanlings.
The cull cow trade remains firm for short-keep and slaughter-fit types, but there has been a little more pressure on prices of plain, thin and older types.
The store cattle trade remains steady, with those over 500kg by far the strongest trade.
Lighter store cattle are holding their own due to strong demand. The main trend in the marts has been higher entries of cattle on offer over the summer months, driven primarily by positivity and strong prices.
Forward and short-keep steers remain a flying trade. Those from 600kg upwards are selling from €1,250 to €1,450, with U grades making up to €1,500 for 650kg. Lighter types from 500kg to 600kg are a strong trade and are selling mainly from €2.20/kg to €2.30/kg or from €990 to €1,050 for the average 450kg steer. U grades are making over €1,200 for 450kg. Where plainer types are on offer, average prices are ranging mainly from €1.90/kg to €2.00/kg.
The heifer trade is slightly stronger than the beef trade. Those over 600kg are few and far between. Where on offer, age is usually against them, but this is not holding back prices in general. Those from 500kg to 600kg are selling mainly from €2.10/kg to €2.30/kg or from €1,100 to €1,400, while top-quality types are making €100 to €120/head more than this. There is a good supply of heifers from 400kg to 500kg and the trade is steady to slightly improved in some areas.
The weanling trade has continued firm. Prices of those over 400kg are running about 10c/kg or €40 to €50/head above the same week last year. Demand for heavy feeding bulls is very strong and prices of €2.15/kg to €2.35/kg are common. Those from 400kg to 450kg are making from €2.20/kg to €2.40/kg, with top-quality types selling for up to €2.70/kg in some areas. Exporters remain active for lighter types, keeping a firm floor under the trade. Weanling heifers are selling at similar prices to the equivalent bull.