The beef trade has taken another lift this week with in spec heifers now trading at €3.70/kg to €3.75/kg and steers on €3.65/kg to €3.70/kg.
Finished cattle are in short supply with procurement managers very active in the last week sourcing cattle.
Across the island, beef demand remains very high with northern buyers around mart rings again this week paying prices in excess of what cattle would come into in southern factories.
Some 26,150 cattle have been exported north in the period to the end of June 2020, an increase of 8,890 head on the same period last year.
UK incentive
The announcement by the UK government of a 50% incentive, £10 per person, to relaunch the restaurant sector will act as a further driver of demand for beef and lamb as this is the main volume outlet in the UK for Irish exports.