Kilkenny Mart’s calf sale on Tuesday last experienced an improvement on previous sales. Manager Michael Lynch said a combination of higher numbers of better quality calves and improved weather, attracting more farmer buyers, had helped demand.

Michael said that there was a clear trend that Friesian bull calves, which had received close attention and three to four weeks of milk, attracted more bidding activity and farmer interest.

Live exporters were the main buyers on the day. Friesian bull calves aged three weeks of age upwards sold for export from €70 to €100 per head while lighter, younger calves sold back to €40 per head. All calves on offer were Friesian bred with no Jersey breeding. Stronger Friesian bull calves sold from €120 to €140 per head with a small selection of better conformed good quality British Friesian calves selling to a top of €200.

There was solid demand for Angus and Hereford heifer and bull calves. Light Angus heifers sold from €120 to €180 per head with stronger, better shaped lots selling to €270. Angus bulls sold from €150 to €270. Hereford bulls sold from €200 to €330 while an entry of nicely shaped Hereford heifer calves purchased as future replacements sold to over €300. A small number of continental bull calves sold from €260 to €360.

Commission rates for calves are €7 to the buyer and €7 to the seller.

Darren Carty