There were 300 bulls and 120 heifers on offer at last week’s show and sale at Cootehill Mart. There was a flying trade on the night, particularly for good-quality heavy bulls, with the main demand for these coming from feedlot buyers. Heavy bulls from 400kg to 450kg sold mainly from €1,200 to €1,300/head, with lighter types selling mainly from €800 to €950/head. Light bulls under 300kg sold mainly from €700 to €800/head. Heifers sold to a top price of €3.84/kg for 255kg. The majority of light heifers sold from €700 to €800/head, with those from 300kg to 400kg selling mainly from €800 to €1,000/head. Another feature of the trade in the past few months has been larger throughput from June to August.
Numbers and weather quenching demand for plain cattle at marts