Prices for plainer dairy cross stock was back from peak grass buyer season.
Most Hereford and Angus crosses from the dairy herd sold from €2/kg to €2.10/kg with heavier lots over 350kg tending to make that 10-15c/kg more.
Forward stores was small in numbers but sold well with Friesian and traditional beef crosses over 500kg making from €1.85/kg to €2.20/kg.
Sample 2016-born bullock prices
These bullocks, born in February 2015 weighed an average of 511kg and sold for €1,110 each (€2.17/kg).
These bullocks, born in March 2016 weighed an average of 341kg sold for €980 each (€2.87/kg).
These bullocks, born in January 2016 weighed an average of 379kg sold for €835 each (€2.20/kg).
These bullocks born in January 2016 weighed an average of 413kg, sold for €915 each (€2.22/kg).
These bullocks born in February 2016 weighed an average of 280kg, sold for €475 each or (€1.70/kg).
Continental yearling bullocks sold well with over €2.40/kg readily available with some lots making over €3/kg.
A June 2016-born Limousin weighing 225kg made €745 (3.31/kg).
Bulls were a similar trade with dairy bulls selling from €1.70/kg for Friesians up to €2.40/kg for beef crosses.
Sample 2016-born bull prices
Sample prices - 2015 born bullocks
These bulls born in April 2016 weighed an average of 382kg sold for €920 each (€2.41/kg).
This bull born in July 2016 and weighing 260kg sold for €795 (€3.06/kg).
For fleshed dry cows €200 with their weight remains the standard with some making over €300 with the €/kg. Feeder cows were closer to €100 with their weight.
Sample prices - Fleshed dry cows