While prices paid are lower than what was paid for feeding types in the spring, the trade is holding firmer for longer so far this year.

In most cases, warm continental feeding cows from 600kg to 700kg are selling mainly from €350 to €450 along with the weight, while old thin continentals and those with small frames are selling mainly from the weight to €250 over.

The number of slaughter-fit cows passing through marts continues to be low and prices range mainly from €500 to €700 along with the weight, depending on the quality and weight of the cow.

Only top-quality cows and cow heifers are passing €2.00/kg at this stage, with the majority making from €1.85/kg to €1.95/kg.

The number of cows with calves at foot on sale in marts is low given the time of year, but farmer demand seems to be quite strong.

Younger cows with three- to four-month-old calves at foot are selling mainly from €1,500 to €1,800, while older and plainer cows with average-quality calves at foot are making from €1,200 to €1,400.

Weanling and store heifers with breeding potential continue to be met with strong demand.

Four- and five-star heifers and those with the look of milk or maternal attributes are making a price premium of up to 40c/kg or up to €160/head on the average heifer.

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Cattle marts: forward store prices soften but weanling prices rise