With dairy farmers scanning, there has been an influx of cull cows coming to the fore in most parts of the country.
Despite higher numbers on offer, the trade has been holding firm in most areas.
Store cow buyers remain active and are buying Frieisan cows straight from the parlour at about €0.90/kg to €1.10/kg. Quality is a huge factor, with those with poor feet and other ailments attracting weak demand.
Where better-quality fleshed Friesian cows are on offer, then prices are ranging mainly from €1.35/kg to €1.50/kg.
Continental cows remain firm in most areas. Where fleshed types are on offer, factory agents are active, despite the high cattle kill.
Prices on offer for fleshed continentals range mainly from €1.60/kg to €1.80/kg, with older types selling frequently for about €400 over the weight. Feeding continental cows are currently making from €1.35/kg to €1.55/kg.
Feeding continental cows are currently making from €1.35/kg to €1.55/kg. In-calf heifers and cows with calves at foot continue to be variable depending on the number and quality on offer. Well-bred outfits continue to make from €1,600 to €1,800/head.
Lower numbers of forward store cattle on offer
Steady cattle prices at Portumna Mart
Cattle prices up €200/head at Kanturk fatstock sale
Cull cow numbers increasing but prices firm
Solid trade for quality at Enniskillen