Portumna Mart held its annual autumn show and sale of fatstock animals on Wednesday this week. Some 650 animals went through the ring, with the sale recording a 94% clearance rate.
Factory feedlots and farmer feeders were very active for forward store cattle.
The mart, and this sale in particular, had a very strong online buyer demand, with a good mix of farmer, factory and shipper buyers at the ringside.
October is the “peak season for good quality cattle and big sales”, explained mart manager Marie Younge.
“While numbers were roughly average for the peak season, quality was great and demand was even better.”
Keen for lighter cattle
Farmers were keen for lighter cattle and good stores for winter feeding, while the factory agents at the ringside were hungry for anything heavy, with exporters anxious for the weanlings on offer.
Heifers in the 400kg to 500kg bracket averaged €2.08/kg, with the top third averaging €2.50/kg.
Heifers in the 500kg to 600kg category averaged €2.53/kg, with higher-quality continental-type heifers in this range averaging €2.90/kg to €3.10/kg.
Heavy heifers
Heavier heifers weighing over the 600kg mark were averaging €2.60/kg, with buyers fit for €3.00/kg for the best of these heifers.
The was a large entry of bullocks, with those weighing 400kg to 500kg averaging €2.08/kg to €2.50/kg across the board.
Bullocks weighing 500kg to 600kg averaged at €2.41/kg and peaked between €2.60/kg and €3.20/kg for the stronger types on offer.
Heavier bullocks weighing 600kg or more averaged at €2.53/kg and again peaked at €2.80/kg to €3.15/kg.
Weanling numbers
With slightly fewer weanling numbers than other weeks, demand was high. Weanling bulls averaged at €2.10/kg across the board, while heifer weanlings averaged around €2.48/kg.
Commenting on the trade, Marie said: “The weanling trade is still flying, which of course we are delighted with.
"Farmers are anxious for lighter store cattle, while anything finished is being snapped up by factory agents.
"There was a great trade across the board here today, with great demand ringside and online.
"There is a natural, stronger demand for a well-balanced Limousin or Charolais,. but there is something here to suit any type of buyer,” she concluded.
For a full report, including show results, make sure to pick up a copy of next week's Irish Farmers Journal.