The weather didn’t dampen the mood around the ring too much at Balla Mart on Saturday, though bullock prices were a little easier than the previous week.
This could be down to it being a smaller entry, with perhaps a reduced number of top-quality cattle. Looking at the averages, bullocks were back around 4c/kg. However, there was still a decent trade for quality cattle.
Bullocks from 350kg to 400 kg averaged €2.24/kg, with €2.45/kg to €2.55/kg being achieved for well-conformed continental lots. In the 400kg-500kg weight range the average price paid was €2.13/kg, back 5c/kg on the week. Plainer-type cattle were making €1.90/kg to €2.10/kg, with a typical range of €2.20/kg to €2.40/kg available for better-quality animals.
In the 500kg to 600kg bracket, the average price paid was €1.97/kg, with €2.10/kg to €2.20/kg easily available for good-quality Charolais and Limousin types.
Heifer prices were similar to last week. Again, anything with a bit of style or breeding potential was able to get a bit more. The top price/head on the day was €1,560 paid for a Belgian Blue heifer weighing 510kg (€3.06/kg). The top price per kilo was a for another Belgian Blue heifer. This one was born April 2019, weighed 455kg and made €3.14/kg or €1,430.
In the 350kg to 400kg weight range the average price paid was €2.33/kg, while heifers weighing 400kg to 500kg averaged €2.21/kg, with €2.25/kg to €2.45/kg available for better-quality cattle.
A large entry of heifers in the 500kg to 600kg weight band saw an average price of €2.12/kg. Plainer types were making €1.85/kg to €2.00/kg, while €2.10/kg to €2.25/kg was being paid for good-quality continental cattle. Heifers over 600kg averaged €2.03/kg, with €2.10/kg to €2.20/kg being paid for cattle carrying that bit more flesh.
Dry cows averaged €1.57/kg, with Friesian cows averaging €1.08/kg. Better-type feeding cows made €1.55/kg to €1.65/kg, while younger and better-conformed types made €1.75/kg to €1.90/kg on the main.