The ringsides were much busier at Balla than in previous weeks, with the bullock ring in particular seeing a strong share of activity.

The quality of cattle on offer was quite good and the trade was steady. Demand for heavy bullocks and heifers suitable for short-keep finish was strong, even where age was an issue.

Prices of top-quality types over 700kg frequently went over €1,500/head or €800 along with the weight, but plainer types were a little slower to sell.

Continental bullocks

Good-quality continental bullocks over 600kg were a good trade also, with slightly stronger demand for them. Prices ranged mainly from €2.10/kg to €2.20/kg and up to €2.50/kg for top-quality U grades.

This Limousin cross bullock born July 2015 and weighing 610kg sold for €1,430 (€2.34/kg).

Store bullocks from 400kg to 500kg saw prices range mainly from €2.30/kg to €2.50/kg for good-quality heavy types and from €2.60/kg to €2.70/kg for top-quality types.


The heifer trade was strong also, but prices were not fully as strong as the bullock ring. That said, there were plenty of buyers active for all types.

Heifers over 500kg sold mainly from €2.10/kg to €2.30/kg, with top-quality heifers making over €2.55/kg, similar to last week.

This Limousin cross five-star heifer born October 2015 and weighing 605kg sold for €1,540 (€2.55/kg).

Stores from 400kg to 500kg sold mainly from €2.20/kg to €2.45/kg, with prices rising above €2.60/kg for better-quality types.


Heavy and fat cows were a good trade once again.

Good-quality heavy types sold mainly from €1.80/kg to €1.95/kg, with top-quality young cow heifers making over €2.00/kg.

Friesian cows sold mainly from €1.00/kg to €1.20/kg.

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