Tractor dealers Nelson and James Alexander, who run a substantial suckler herd at Randalstown, Co Antrim, sold part of their Jalex herd in a reduction sale in Ballymena Mart.
Comprising very good-wearing beef mothers, they have a long record of producing E and U grade calves. And Jalex has top-level success in the show ring, producing winners at Balmoral, the Commercial Cattle Club shows and Allams Fatstock.
The highest price on the day was £4,100 (€5,600) for the 2007 Blue cow which bred Eddie Rocket, the Allams 2013 fatstock champion. She sold carrying a full sibling to Rocket and is due in June. And on £2,000 (€2,730) was a 2008 Limousin which bred the Balmoral 2013 commercial champion. Both went to L Fowlie in Aberdeenshire. Overall the 175 in-calf cows averaged £1,750 (€2,400)
Cows with summer-born calves at foot sold to £2,600 (€3,550) and averaged £2,080 (€2,850) for 15 head. Cows with autumn-born calves sold to £2,200 (€3,000) and averaged £1,950 (€2,670) a head.
Born in November 2013, the top calf, a red roan and sired by Swarland Eddie, made £3,100 (€4,250), selling to Richard Duffy of Westport, Co Mayo. She is halter trained and entered for Balmoral this year. Overall, eight calves sold to average £1,550 (€2,120).
The best pedigree cow, a 2008 Blue, made £3,800 (€5,200), while a 2006 Blue made £3,000 (€4,100). And the best stock bull, the 2008 Blue Paulern Declan, made £3,000.
Herd health is of major importance at Jalex and all stock are vaccinated with Rotavec. The herd is a certified member of CHeCS and has BVD and salmonella vaccination programmes and is also screened for Johne’s disease.
See for more sale photos of the sale.