The morning saw thunder, lightning and some rain at Balla, but that did not put off the hundreds of farmers that turned out for today’s sale. According to mart manager Michael Murphy, the sale saw an increased entry of cattle. The trade for good quality continental types was very good, with store and forwards heifers a particularly good trade.
In the bullock ring, good quality types over 500kg sold frequently from €500 to €700 over the weight for good quality types, with average quality; top quality types making as much as €800 along with the weight. Average bullocks made from €2.00/kg to about €2.20/kg.
Lighter stores from 400kg to 500kg were met with solid demand for all good quality lots also and prices ranged mainly from €550 to €700 over the weight. Plain bullocks and weanling bulls continue to be a weak trade with buyer activity low for these types. Friesian bullocks from 400kg to 450kg sold from €150 to €250 along with the weight, but the numbers available were very low. Farmer and agent demand kept a firm floor under prices. The quality of cattle on offer on the day was strong, with less poor quality cattle types on offer than recent weeks.
Farmers were active for all good quality cattle. In the heifer ring, activity increased on the previous sale and prices were slightly improved as a result. Forward heifers over 500kg sold mainly from €600 to €800 along with the weight.
Heifers from 400kg to 500kg were said to have achieved similar price to last week. Average quality types sold mainly from €500 to €600 over the weight.
Demand for weanlings was firm with plenty of buyers active. The average 300kg to 400kg bull sold mainly for about €750 to €900/head. With top quality types breaking the €1000/head mark. Heifers sold for a price premium of about 10c/kg when compared to the equivalent bull.
Cull cows were a little easier on the day. Young and fleshed cows sold mainly from €1.90/kg to €2.00/kg. Feeding types were a slightly weaker trade with the main demand seeing prices range from €1.65/kg to €1.75/kg. Better quality feeding cows made over €1.80/kg.
Bullocks made from €200 to €773 along with the weight. Heifers made from €245 to €845 over. Weanling bulls made from €315 to €515 over while weanling heifers made from €370 to €620 over. Farmer were said to be active for all good quality stores and weanlings. Suckler cows which were sold on the day made mainly from made from €1,000 to€1,300. Cull Cows made from €690 to €1,310 with young cow heifers achieving the highest prices.
The sheep show and sale saw over 2,000 sheep on offer. Cull ewes made from €75 to €91. Lambs made from €70to €130. Breeding eEwes made from €120 to €160. Ewe hoggets made from €85 to €212.
Results of the Headford show and sale