The mart trade over the past week has been quite positive, with many mart managers commenting on strengthened prices.
The big difference has been seen in the weanling and cow markets. Weanlings have been met with a sharp improvement in prices.
Mart managers have said that strong farmer demand coupled with increased exporter activity have been the main drivers of the increase in weanling prices.
The store trade is firm overall. However, where feeder buyers were active, a slight increase in prices was seen again in some areas.
The heifer trade has strengthened slightly also, but only a slight improvement in prices has been seen in the main.
Cull cow rings continue to be very busy, with much larger numbers on offer and a strong trade for all good-quality fleshed cows. Factory-fit U grade continentals and young cow heifers are currently making from €1.85/kg to €2.10/kg.
Forward stores in most areas have remained steady. However, some mart managers have said that prices have improved by €10 to €20/head over last weekend. The average 550kg steer is selling for about €1,100, with prices of €1,200/head available in some areas. U grade bullocks in the same weight range are making from €2.30/kg to €2.40/kg or €1,200 to €1,300/head. Store bullocks from 400kg to 500kg are making from €950 to €1,020 for the average 450kg R grade.
The heifer trade has been strong and steady. In some cases, there has been a slight strengthening. The average 500kg heifer is selling for €1,050, with €1,175 being paid for U grades. Lighter heifers from 400kg to 500kg sold from €2.10/kg to €2.30/kg for average-quality types, with top-quality light store heifers making from €2.50/kg or €1,150. Where Angus and Hereford are on offer from the dairy herd, prices of €1.90/kg to €2.10/kg are being achieved.
The weanling trade has strengthened, with bulls seeing prices rebound by up to €40/head from last week. The average 300kg to 400kg bull sold for just under €2.40/kg, similar to last year’s prices. The top third of bulls are making from €2.70/kg to €2.80/kg or €963 for 350kg. Light bulls under 300kg have seen improved exporter activity and prices are now averaging €2.52/kg or €630/head for 250kg. Weanling heifers from 300kg to 400kg have seen slightly improved farmer demand also and are trading at similar prices to last year.
Farmers active for all types of cattle and cows at Carrigallen
Steady trade for store cattle but improved demand for short-keep types
Friesian bull calves static but continental, Hereford and Angus rising