There was another big sale of over 1,000 bullocks and heifers in Kilkenny Mart on Thursday.

Big numbers of cattle continue to come out across the country, but they are being met with very solid demand from farmers, big feeders and factory agents.

Kilkenny Mart manager Michael Lynch said: “We have seen some big numbers coming out over the last few weeks and we would probably see that continuing until the middle of November anyway.”

To cater for the bigger numbers, cows have now been moved to Tuesday’s sale, which Michael says is working out well.


Lighter bullocks were the highlight of the trade, with top-quality bullocks in the 400kg to 500kg weight category coming in at €3.03/kg, up 17c/kg on the previous week.

Average-quality bullocks in the same weight category came in at €2.63/kg.

Heavier bullocks also met solid demand, with top-quality bullocks over 600kg coming in at €3.16/kg.

A number of very good pens of Charolais bullocks came in at €3.20/kg to €3.40/kg.

Heifers also met good demand, with the top third of heifers in the 500kg to 660kg weight bracket coming in at €3.17/kg this week.

Friesian bullocks with a good covering of flesh were also selling well, with auctioneer George Candler commenting that the price of Friesian bullocks is up 20c/kg in the last four weeks based on good demand from large feeders.


This April 2022-born pair of Charolais heifers weighed 698kg and sold for €2,040 (€2.92/kg).

This May 2022-born Charolais heifer weighed 690kg and sold for €2,010 (€2.91/kg).

This July 2022-born Limousin heifer weighed 665kg and sold for €1,960 (€2.95/kg).

This March 2023-born pair of Charolais heifers weighed 615kg and sold for €1,950 (€3.17/kg).

This February 2022-born Charolais bullock weighed 755kg and sold for €2,240 (€2.97/kg).

These pair of January 2023-born Charolais bullocks weighed 673kg and sold for €2,140 (€3.18/kg).

This March 2023-born Charolais bullock weighed 630kg and sold for €2,080 (€3.30/kg).

This January 2023-born Limousin bullock weighed 675kg and sold for €2,080 (€3.08/kg).