We’ve had queries about weaning calves early. This is no surprise given the deteriorating ground conditions in many parts of the country, with many farmers wanting to get heavy suckler cows in off the land temporarily.

There is absolutely no issue with weaning calves from six months of age, provided the strategy around weaning minimises stress.

Lots of early spring-calves will be at this age now, but in terms of selecting calves to wean, pay attention to the cow.

First-calvers and thin cows would ideally be selected for early weaning.

We’ll be doing them a big service by drying them off and allowing for an increase in condition between now and housing.

Terminal-type cows with very little capacity for milk production are also prime candidates, they’ll likely be your heaviest cows too and doing very little for ground care.

Be wary of mastitis with early weaning – I find housing cows and offering straw a good strategy, as it is much easier to control the diet. Some also use dry cow tubes while cows are in.

Read more

Getting prepared for autumn weaning

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