Dairy farmers had a tough year with low milk prices and, even with this week’s price rise, are not in a position to start feeding higher levels.
Weather is having more of an influence on the decision to feed or not, with some farmers starting to dry off cull cows to help build autumn grass supplies.
Some merchants have reported increases in sales of beef finisher rations over the last 10 days. Merchants believe that some farmers are planning to finish cattle earlier, while others have been forced to introduce meal to compensate for reducing feeding value of grazed grass. With good grass growth over the summer months this year, merchants have experienced a reduction in this year’s concentrate sales in comparison with sales in 2015, as shown in Table 1.
Straw scarcity
Farmers across the country are reporting an increase in the demand for straw and are declaring that it is very scare this year. The horrendous weather over the past few weeks has resulted in poorer-quality straw and reduced yields.
In the south and east of the country, the harvest is in the final stages, but much of the straw still remains to be saved.
Straw in these areas is commanding a strong price. 4x4 bales of barley straw continue to sell at €11 to €12/bale, with a small proportion of straw making €10/bale in areas.
The price for 8x4x3 bales increased in the last week, with farmers paying €25/bale. Farmers in Cork are expecting prices for 8x4x3 bales to further increase and are reporting that some dealers are asking for €30/bale.
In the north and west, weather has significantly impinged on the performance of the harvest. In areas of Mayo and Roscommon, a lot of crops still remain to be harvest.
The weather has affected Donegal, with only 25% of harvest saved so far. Farmers here are struggling to save the remaining harvest and the IFA is appealing for farmers in the south to help farmers in the northwest.