Both farms were inspirational examples of what can be achieved in beef production by doing the simple things well. Grass and grazing infrastructure were excellent on both farms and the net profit figures before direct payments were impressive. The day was facilitated by Alan Dillon of the Teagasc BETTER farm programme. The two farmers were at different stages of their farm development and careers. Donie Aherne has built up his business over the years and has fine-tuned a successful cattle finishing enterprise to complement his suckler herd.
Young farmers
Coming from a low basic payment position and farming part-time didn’t prove an obstacle to Donal Scully. His situation is common among young farmers in particular.
This isn’t the first day trip by the group – they started going on them a number of years ago. The initiative to organise these events came from within the group. The general routine is to hire a bus and take in two farm visits, with a meal on the way home. The group also goes away for two or three days in summer visiting other farms and agri-businesses around Ireland.
Group member Dan Lucey said it was a very important part of the group’s function as it helped the members get to know each other socially which in-turn had a huge benefit for the discussion group meetings. Participants knew each other better and the level of discussion increased, as did the willingness to share information.