On Tuesday evening, crowds descended on Sean Hayes’ farm in Tulla, Co Clare, for the third of four walks run by BETTER farm participants.
Sean runs a 70 cow, split calving herd; calving 45 in the spring and 25 in the autumn. What used to be a weanling system is now operating as an under 16-month bull beef system.
Speaking about his calving system Sean said: “I probably prefer autumn calving. For me it’s very straight forward. Twenty-two cows calved and I only put a jack on two. Cows calve outside and calves are healthier.”
Up and running... @TeagascBeef @farmersjournal pic.twitter.com/Plz5iNPTgI
— FJ Beef (@FJBeef) September 11, 2018
Fodder, finance and herd health
The walks so far have all had common themes of fodder, finance and herd health. At Sean’s walk, stands on these three topics were set up for farmers to share information and experiences.
On the evening, BETTER farm programme advisor John Greaney kicked off proceedings by discussing the farm's system and the €1,120/ha gross margin that has been set as part of the programme.
Heavens have opened here in Clare, locals say this has been the story for the last 2/3 week’s - has really helped growth but land will start to get sticky if much more falls! Some difference to the east and south! ?? #BETTERFarm @FJBeef pic.twitter.com/fsB4fqSeHy
— Matthew Halpin (@MatthewHalpin22) September 11, 2018
Sean has always been a big believer in breeding stock with genetic merits. He feels this has allowed him to move towards finishing his own stock to maximise returns.
AI has been one of the stepping stones to doing just that. Moocall heat detectors have been trialled on the farm this year. The preferred cow type is a Limousin cross from the dairy herd. Terminal traits have predominantly been used, however, some maternal is now being incorporated as Sean looks to breed his own replacements.
When asked about his breeding policy Sean replied: “I’m using Fiston, Knockmoyle Loki, and moving towards a Salers for heifers. If I was selling in the ring I’d stay away from black cows but colour isn’t an issue when they're hanging up.”
Listen to "Farm walk on BETTER Farm participant Sean Hayes's farm" on Spreaker.
Pat Byrne of Bank of Ireland outlining the banks new fodder loan scheme with 3.86% interest rate. He says despite what the media suggests, the scheme is open to all enterprises - listen here: pic.twitter.com/Btoqque4JC
— FJ Beef (@FJBeef) September 11, 2018
“Purchase of livestock will not be covered by the new Bank of Ireland low cost loan scheme. It’s very much a fodder support loan scheme. Depending on the individual we can go to certain limits unsecured. Up to date accounts important. It’s a loan for all sectors” - Pat Byrne, BOI pic.twitter.com/BXeuHdJH5z
— Adam Woods (@ajwwoods) September 11, 2018
The current fodder budget on Sean Hayes farm. 17 tonne of dry matter short. Will be made up with straw and maybe more bales to be made if he can. Important to take action early instead of panicking next March. Getting a little late for applying fertiliser but maybe an option pic.twitter.com/0X4BaDj5X8
— Adam Woods (@ajwwoods) September 11, 2018
Matthew Halpin going through some fodder options for suckler farmers this winter. If cows in good condition, a half tonne/ month can be saved in terms of restricting Silage and feeding 1-2kg of meal to cows @FJBeef @farmersjournal pic.twitter.com/XLd2VqPRCh
— Adam Woods (@ajwwoods) September 11, 2018
Herd health
The herd health stand on the evening generated a lot of interest from the crowd as local vet Erica Borge from Ceithre Cos Practice in Tulla discussed IBR in the suckler herd and the new IBR eradication pilot programme being implemented on farms across the country.
BETTER Farm advisor Tommy Cox and local vet Erica Borge from Tulla veterinary practice discussing IBR in the herd - “if IBR is present in the herd, you need to target vaccination at a young age to minimize the likelihood of animals becoming persistently infected” #BETTERFarm pic.twitter.com/LNKe1rcHqW
— FJ Beef (@FJBeef) September 11, 2018
Erica Borge from Ceithre Cos Practice in Tulla outlines the animal health plan on Sean’s farm . Good show of hands go up when asked does everybody know what IBR is. No hands go up for who knows it’s in their herd. @FJBeef @farmersjournal @TeagascBeef @tommythevet pic.twitter.com/ZbHUdlwjJl
— Adam Woods (@ajwwoods) September 11, 2018
“People often worm cattle and they don’t know what they are worming for. Ideally you should be dung sampling to determine your worming programme. It’s about striking a balance and allowing some level of worms to build up an immunity” - Vet Erica Borge #BETTERFarm pic.twitter.com/dleZNzRVfE
— FJ Beef (@FJBeef) September 11, 2018
Question comes around vaccination protocol, IBR live costing €2.50/head and RSV/PI3 costing €5.00/head. I had trouble with pneumonia, I corrected ventilation issues and started a vaccination programme and I’ve sent huge improvement. @FJBeef @MatthewHalpin22 @TeagascBeef pic.twitter.com/bj6knWtHsa
— Adam Woods (@ajwwoods) September 11, 2018
The fourth and final BETTER aarm autumn walk will take place at 2pm on Thursday 13 September on Martin O’Hare’s farm in Little Ash, Knockbridge, Co Louth. Eircode: A91RP48
BETTER Farm: laying winter foundations on autumn farm walk in the Banner
BETTER Farm: autumn walks series to conclude in Louth
Listen: ‘You couldn’t even give them away in a lucky bag this year’