The UK's suckler herd has fallen by almost 7% in the past four years, according to estimates from the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA).
Cattle numbers stand at almost 9.7m overall, with dairy cows up by over 3% to 1.88m head, while the beef herd fell 2% to 1.54m head. There was an increase in 2014 calf registrations, with female calves up 2.8%, offsetting a small decline in male calf numbers.
It is of great concern that a country which enjoys favoured beef prices compared with its European neighbours. plus access to cheap feed with food and drink industry by product, is declining.
The other worry is that these figures haven’t reflected the impact of the new CAP arrangements which have hit the specialised suckler beef producer hardest of all.
In addition to an increase to dairying, there is evidence of land use being dedicated to producing grass for anaerobic digestion.