The Twenty20 Beef Club run between Kepak and Tirlán claims that cattle sold through the programme can now expect to average an extra €100 to €200 in carcase value above market prices.
Higher bonuses will be paid in the programme, with the standard bonus upped to 30c/kg when including Tirlán’s input bonus.
The Hereford breed bonuses have doubled to 20c/kg and are paid out in addition to the standard club bonus on eligible cattle.
A new continental breed bonus of 10c/kg will be paid, with a 25c/kg bonus for under-19-month bulls also introduced. The cow bonus has been upped from 10c/kg to 15c/kg.
The weight range for eligible carcases has widened to 260-400kg.
The club will open to new members at the end on June 2023 and all price rises are effective immediately.
Rewarding higher standards
The programme shows that the market will reward those who drive up standards on animal welfare and the environment, according to Tirlán’s head of ingredients and agri, Seán Molloy.
He pointed to a doubling of its input price bonus up to 10c/kg as evidence of the co-op’s commitment to supporting traceability.
“This club is anchored in the market, leveraging technology and science as well as world-leading environmental standards,” Molloy commented.
“It continues to provide a premium market for a premium product with world-leading welfare, traceability, and provenance standards.
“The increase in the Tirlán input bonus to 10c/kg is a clear indication of our commitment to this sustainable production model.”
Price certainty
Kepak’s agribusiness chief Mick O’Dowd said: “The Twenty20 Beef Club is grounded in providing greater financial certainty to farmers for producing beef more sustainably.
“Kepak and Tirlán’s technical teams work with suppliers to ensure excellent performance and efficiencies are achieved.
“This club clearly shows that collaboration across the beef and dairy industry is not only beneficial to the farmer but is also supported by the end customer for the economic and environmental value it creates at farm level.”